
Showing posts from May, 2018

json editor - reorder

Java - How to get all the field names from JSON Schema

public void getKey ( String response ) { List < String > keyList = new ArrayList < String >(); try { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject ( response ); JSONObject schema = jsonObject . getJSONObject ( "schema" ); JSONObject properties = schema . getJSONObject ( "properties" ); Iterator iterator = properties . keys (); while ( iterator . hasNext ()) { String key = iterator . next (). toString (); keyList . add ( key ); } String [] arr = ( String []) keyList . toArray ( new String [ keyList . size ()]); } catch ( JSONException e ) { e . printStackTrace (); } }

Replace newline character in notepad ++

Then select Search → Replace from the menu, or hit Ctrl-H. The Replace dialog will show up. Therein make sure that you fill out the following values;  Find what:  \\ n  (yes,  two  back-slashes),  Replace with:  \ n  (yes, just one back-slash), and the most important, make sure you select the  Extended (\n, \r, \t, \0, \x, …)  radio button.


{{def 'fifteenYear' (math birthYear '+' 15)}} {{#ifb (or (and (compare (math fifteenYear '%' 4) '==' 0) (compare (math fifteenYear '%' 100) '!=' 0) ) (compare (math fifteenYear '%' 400) '==' 0) ) }} Your fifteenth anniversary was in a leap year! {{else}} Your fifteenth anniversary was in a non-leap year! {{/ifb}} birthYear: 1997

RSql Queries

 's0==a0;s1==a1;s2==a2'                         | and(eq('s0','a0'), eq('s1','a1'), eq('s2','a2'))            's0==a0,s1=out=(a10,a11),s2==a2'         | or(eq('s0','a0'), out('s1','a10', 'a11'), eq('s2','a2'))            's0==a0,s1==a1;s2==a2,s3==a3'            | or(eq('s0','a0'), and(eq('s1','a1'), eq('s2','a2')), eq('s3','a3'))  '(s0==a0,s1==a1);s2==a2'                 | and(or(eq('s0','a0'), eq('s1','a1')), eq('s2','a2'))             '(s0==a0,s1=out=(a10,a11));s2==a2,s3==a3'| or(and(or(eq('s0','a0'), out('s1','a10', 'a11')), eq('s2','a2')), eq('s3','a3'))           '((s0==a0,s1==a1);s2==a2,s3==a3);s4==a4' | and(or(and(or(eq('s0','a0'), e...