Difference between Jenkin and Maven

Maven is a build tool, in short a successor of ant. It helps in build and version control.
However Jenkins is continuous integration system, where in maven is used for build. Jenkins can be used to automate the deployment process. When ever the new code is committed, automatically run all Junit test cases and if they're passed, package and deploy the project to the specific location.

Maven came after ANT and offers much more than a build tool. Main difference between ANT and Maven is that In ANT you need to define every thing i.e. source directory, build directory, target directory etc while Maven adopts principle of Convention over configuration. Which means Maven has predefined project structure i.e. standard directory for source files, test files and resources. On the other hand, Jenkins and Hudson are Continues Integration tool, which gives you power to automate your build and deployment process. By using Jenkins or Hudson you can trigger build whenever developer commit code, to see if project is compiling fine, to run unit tests, to create build or even deploy in QA or production environment. Similarly you can have daily build, nightly build or weekly build process established in Jenkins or Hudson.


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