Spring Rest API Validation


 @NotBlank(message = "username can't empty!")
    String username;

    @Size(min = 3, max = 50)
    private String username;

    @Length(max = 140)
    private String text;

ConstraintCompositionBoolean operator that is applied to all constraints of a composing constraint annotation.
CreditCardNumberThe annotated element has to represent a valid credit card number.
CreditCardNumber.ListDefines several @CreditCardNumber annotations on the same element.
EmailThe string has to be a well-formed email address.
Email.ListDefines several @Email annotations on the same element.
LengthValidate that the string is between min and max included.
Length.ListDefines several @Length annotations on the same element.
NotBlankValidate that the annotated string is not null or empty.
NotBlank.ListDefines several @NotBlank annotations on the same element.
NotEmptyAsserts that the annotated string, collection, map or array is not null or empty.
NotEmpty.ListDefines several @NotEmpty annotations on the same element.
RangeThe annotated element has to be in the appropriate range.
Range.ListDefines several @Range annotations on the same element.
SafeHtmlValidate a rich text value provided by the user to ensure that it contains no malicious code, such as embedded


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