Cloud Foundry Providers :

•• Cloud Foundry Foundation –
•• ActiveState Stackato –
FF Free for production use up to 20GB RAM
•• AppFog –
FF 30-day free trial (up to 2GB RAM)
•• IBM Bluemix –
FF 30-day free trial (up to 2GB RAM)
•• Pivotal Cloud Foundry –
FF 90 day evaluation term, non-production use, up to 50 app instances
•• Pivotal Web Services –
FF 60-day free trial (up to 2GB RAM)

Create a account @ Pivotal Web Services (PWS):

Deploy the Sample App: 
  1. Download the app with git:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the app directory: cd cf-sample-app-spring
  3. Sign in to PWS: cf login -a
  4. Push the app to PWS: cf push my_app
View the Logs: 
  1. View a snapshot of recent logs: cf logs cf-spring --recent 
  2. Stream live logs: cf logs cf-spring 
Adding a Service/Connect a Database:
  1. List the available ElephantSQL plans: cf marketplace -s elephantsql
  2. Create a service instance with the free plan: cf create-service elephantsql turtle cf-spring-db
  3. Bind the newly created service to the app: cf bind-service cf-spring cf-spring-db
    NotE: Once a service is bound to an app, environment variables are stored that allow the app to connect to the service after a push, restage, or restart command.
  4. Restart the app: cf restart cf-spring
  5. Verify the new service is bound to the app: cf services 
Create/Delete user-provided service:
  1. Create Eureka Server as eureka-service : cf cups eureka-service -p '{"uri":""}'
  2. Delete eureka-service : cf delete-service eureka-service
 Scale the App: 
  1. Increase the number of app instances to two: cf scale cf-spring -i 2
  2. Check the status of the app and verify there are two instances running: cf app cf-spring
    NotE: Scaling your app vertically changes the disk space limit or memory limit for each app instance.
  3. Increase the memory limit for each app instance: cf scale cf-spring -m 1G
  4. Increase the disk limit for each app instance: cf scale cf-spring -k 512M


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