Java-8 Tutorial

   lambda expression is a function:

  (parameters) -> expression
    (parameters) -> { statements; }

1. (int x, int y) -> x + y                          // takes two integers and returns their sum

2. (x, y) -> x - y                                  // takes two numbers and returns their difference

3. () -> 42                                         // takes no values and returns 42

4. (String s) -> System.out.println(s)          
// takes a string, prints its value to the console, and returns nothing

5. x -> 2 * x                                       // takes a number and returns the result of doubling it

6. c -> { int s = c.size(); c.clear(); return s; }  // takes a collection, clears it, and returns its previous size

Functional interfaces have a single functionality to exhibit. For example, a Comparable interface with a single method 'compareTo' is used for comparison purpose. Java 8 has defined a lot of functional interfaces to be used extensively in lambda expressions.

IntOperation is  a functional interface since it contain single method.

interface IntOperation { int operate(int i); }

 IntOperation iop = x -> x * 2;  

 class Bar { int i; Foo foo = i -> i * 2; }; //member variable - leagal

   void bar() { int i; Foo foo = i -> i * 2; }; // local variable Illegal: variable i is already defined

UnaryOperator factorial = i -> i == 0 ? 1 : i * factorial.apply( i - 1 );

   Runnable r = () -> {System.out.println("Hello World");};
   new Thread(r).start();

Referance : (::)
1. static method referance (Type :: Method Name)
2.instant method referance (Type :: Method Name)
2. construtor method referance (Type :: New)

Method references are handles to such existing methods.



Constructor references are created using syntax similar to that for method references, but with the method name replaced with the keyword new

     List strList = Arrays.asList("1","2","3");
    List intList =;

Default Methods ::

declare concrete methods in the form of default implementations.

public interface Sized {
        public default boolean isEmpty() {
            return size() == 0;
        public int size();

most specific default-providing interface is selected. 
 interface A{  public default boolean isEmpty() { return true;  }  }
 interface B{ public default boolean isEmpty() { return true;  }  }
 public class HelloWorld implements A,B-> //Compilation Error

  interface A { default void hello() { System.out.println("Hello World from A"); }}
     interface B extends A { default void hello() { System.out.println("Hello World from B"); } //Override Here - since its most specific  }
public class HelloWorld implements B,A{ No Compilation error // B will be printed

Diamond problem // - No Compilation Error
 interface A { default void m() {} ;}
    interface B extends A {}
    interface C extends A {}
    public class HelloWorld implements B,C{

 interface A { default void m() {} ;}
    interface B extends A { default void m() {} ; }
    interface C extends A { default void m() {} ; }
    public class HelloWorld implements B,C{  // Compilation Error

 interface A { default void m() {} ;}
    interface B extends A { }
    interface C extends A { default void m() {} ; }
    public class HelloWorld implements B,C{    //No Compilation Error

 interface A { default void m() {} ;}
    interface B extends A { default void m() {} ; }
    interface C extends A { }
    public class HelloWorld implements B,C{ // No - Compilation Error

 interface A {default void m() { System.out.println("hello from A"); } }
 IntStream.range(0, 5(Count)).forEach(i -> A.m());  // 5 times m method will be printed

void repeat(int count, Runnable action) {
    IntStream.range(0, count).forEach(i ->;
repeat(3, () -> System.out.println("Hello!"));

List list = new ArrayList<>();

A stream is a sequence of values. The package

filter Predicate T ➞ boolean Stream stream containing input elements that satisfy the Predicate

map Function T ➞ R Stream stream of values, the result of applying the Function to each input element

sorted Comparator (T, T) ➞ int Stream stream containing the input elements, sorted by the Comparator

limit, skip Stream stream including only (resp. skipping) first n input elements
sample eager/terminal operations

reduce BinaryOperator (T, T) ➞ T Optional result of reduction of input elements (if any) using supplied BinaryOperator

findFirst Predicate T ➞ boolean Optional first input element satisfying Predicate (if any)

forEach Consumer T ➞ void void void, but applies the method of supplied Consumer to every input element


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