Mongo Import and Export
records = [];
var cursor = db.getCollection('foo').find({}, {});
while(cursor.hasNext()) {
mongoimport --db bala --collection book1 --type json --file C:\Users\balaji\Desktop\test1.json --jsonArray
is the command-line shell that connects to a specific instance of mongod
mongo import query will not work inside the shell
When I try to import my json data file into my local instance of mongodb, I get an error. The code that I am using is shown below.
> mongoimport --db cities --collection zips --type json --file C:/MongoDB/data/zips.json
This is the error that I get.
2014-11-29T20:27:33.803-0800 SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
what seems to be to problem here?
I just found out that
is used from terminal/command line(cmd), and NOT within the mongo shell.
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