Java Design Pattern
- Creational Design Patterns: Creational design patterns deal with the creation of object in the best possible way in the specific situation. Some of the creational design patterns are as follow:
- Singleton Design Pattern
- Factory Design Pattern
- Abstract Factory Design Pattern
- Builder Design Pattern
- Prototype Design Pattern
- Object Pool Design Pattern
- Structural Design Patterns: Structural design patterns provide different ways to create class structure. Some of the structural design patterns are as follow:
- Bridge Design Pattern
- Facade Design Pattern
- Proxy Design Pattern
- Composite Design Pattern
- Decorator Design Pattern
- Adapter Design Pattern
- Behavioral Design Pattern: Behavioral design patterns provide solution for the bettern interaction between objects and how to provide loose couplings and flexibility to extend. Some of the behavioral design patterns are as follow:
- Mediator Design Pattern
- Iterator Design Pattern
- Strategy Design Pattern
- Command Design Pattern
- Interpreter Design Pattern
- Observer Design Pattern
Apart from above mentoined three main types, There are some design patterns that deals with multi-threaded programming paradigm. Those are known as Concurrency Design Patterns. Some of the concurrency design patterns are as follow:
- Producer Consumer Design Pattern
- Leaders/followers pattern
- Read write lock pattern
- Balking pattern
- Scheduler pattern
- Thread pool pattern
- Barrier pattern
- Double-checked locking
- Guarded suspension pattern
- Reactor pattern
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