Java Design Pattern

  1. Creational Design Patterns:  Creational design patterns deal with the creation of object in the best possible way in the specific situation. Some of the creational design patterns are as follow:
    1. Singleton Design Pattern
    2. Factory Design Pattern
    3. Abstract Factory Design Pattern
    4. Builder Design Pattern
    5. Prototype Design Pattern
    6. Object Pool Design Pattern

  1. Structural Design Patterns:  Structural design patterns  provide different ways to create class structure. Some of the structural design patterns are as follow:
    1. Bridge Design Pattern
    2. Facade Design Pattern
    3. Proxy Design Pattern
    4. Composite Design Pattern
    5. Decorator Design Pattern
    6. ​Adapter Design Pattern

  1. Behavioral Design Pattern: Behavioral design patterns provide solution for the bettern interaction between objects and how to provide loose couplings and flexibility to extend. Some of the behavioral design patterns are as follow:
    1. Mediator Design Pattern
    2. Iterator Design Pattern
    3. Strategy Design Pattern
    4. Command Design Pattern
    5. Interpreter Design Pattern
    6. Observer Design Pattern

Apart from above mentoined three main types, There are some design patterns that deals with multi-threaded programming paradigm. Those are known as Concurrency Design Patterns.  Some of the concurrency design patterns are as follow:
  1. Producer Consumer Design Pattern
  2. Leaders/followers pattern
  3. Read write lock pattern
  4. Balking pattern
  5. Scheduler pattern
  6. Thread pool pattern
  7. Barrier pattern
  8. Double-checked locking
  9. Guarded suspension pattern
  10. Reactor pattern


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