MongoDB Tutorial

  "address": {
     "building": "1007",
     "coord": [ -73.856077, 40.848447 ],
     "street": "Morris Park Ave",
     "zipcode": "10462"
  "borough": "Bronx",
  "cuisine": "Bakery",
  "grades": [
     { "date": { "$date": 1393804800000 }, "grade": "A", "score": 2 },
     { "date": { "$date": 1378857600000 }, "grade": "A", "score": 6 },
     { "date": { "$date": 1358985600000 }, "grade": "A", "score": 10 },
     { "date": { "$date": 1322006400000 }, "grade": "A", "score": 9 },
     { "date": { "$date": 1299715200000 }, "grade": "B", "score": 14 }
  "name": "Morris Park Bake Shop",
  "restaurant_id": "30075445"

1. Write a MongoDB query to display all the documents in the collection restaurants. 


2. Write a MongoDB query to display the fields restaurant_id, name, borough and cuisine for all the documents in the collection restaurant. 

db.restaurants.find({},{"restaurant_id" : 1,"name":1,"borough":1,"cuisine" :1});

3. Write a MongoDB query to display the fields restaurant_id, name, borough and cuisine, but exclude the field _id for all the documents in the collection restaurant. 

db.restaurants.find({},{"restaurant_id" : 1,"name":1,"borough":1,"cuisine" :1,"_id":0});

4. Write a MongoDB query to display the fields restaurant_id, name, borough and zip code, but exclude the field _id for all the documents in the collection restaurant. 

db.restaurants.find({},{"restaurant_id" : 1,"name":1,"borough":1,"address.zipcode" :1,"_id":0});

5. Write a MongoDB query to display all the restaurant which is in the borough Bronx. 

db.restaurants.find({"borough": "Bronx"});

6. Write a MongoDB query to display the first 5 restaurant which is in the borough Bronx.

db.restaurants.find({"borough": "Bronx"}).limit(5);

7.Write a MongoDB query to display the next 5 restaurants after skipping first 5 which are in the borough Bronx.

db.restaurants.find({"borough": "Bronx"}).skip(5).limit(5);

8. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurants who achieved a score more than 90.

db.restaurants.find({grades : { $elemMatch:{"score":{$gt : 90}}}}); 

9. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurants that achieved a score, more than 80 but less than 100. 

db.restaurants.find({grades : { $elemMatch:{"score":{$gt : 80 , $lt :100}}}});

10. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurants which locate in latitude value less than -95.754168. 

db.restaurants.find({"address.coord" : {$lt : -95.754168}});

11. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurants that do not prepare any cuisine of 'American' and their grade score more than 70 and latitude less than -65.754168. 

                       {"cuisine" : {$ne :"American "}},
                       {"grades.score" : {$gt : 70}},
                       {"address.coord" : {$lt : -65.754168}}

12. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurants which do not prepare any cuisine of 'American' and achieved a score more than 70 and located in the longitude less than -65.754168.
                             "cuisine" : {$ne : "American "},
                             "grades.score" :{$gt: 70},
                             "address.coord" : {$lt : -65.754168}

13. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurants which do not prepare any cuisine of 'American ' and achieved a grade point 'A' not belongs to the borough Brooklyn. The document must be displayed according to the cuisine in descending order. 

                             "cuisine" : {$ne : "American "},
                             "grades.grade" :"A",
                             "borough": "Brooklyn"
                              $orderby : {"cuisine":-1}

14. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant Id, name, borough and cuisine for those restaurants which contain 'Wil' as first three letters for its name. 

{name: /^Wil/},
"restaurant_id" : 1,
"cuisine" :1

15. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant Id, name, borough and cuisine for those restaurants which contain 'ces' as last three letters for its name. 

{name: /ces$/},
"restaurant_id" : 1,
"cuisine" :1

16. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant Id, name, borough and cuisine for those restaurants which contain 'Reg' as three letters somewhere in its name. 

{"name": /.*Reg.*/},
"restaurant_id" : 1,
"cuisine" :1

17. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurants which belong to the borough Bronx and prepared either American or Chinese dish. 

"borough": "Bronx" , 
$or : [
{ "cuisine" : "American " },
{ "cuisine" : "Chinese" }

18. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant Id, name, borough and cuisine for those restaurants which belong to the borough Staten Island or Queens or Bronxor Brooklyn. 

{"borough" :{$in :["Staten Island","Queens","Bronx","Brooklyn"]}},
"restaurant_id" : 1,
"cuisine" :1

19. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant Id, name, borough and cuisine for those restaurants which are not belonging to the borough Staten Island or Queens or Bronxor Brooklyn. 

{"borough" :{$nin :["Staten Island","Queens","Bronx","Brooklyn"]}},
"restaurant_id" : 1,
"cuisine" :1

20. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant Id, name, borough and cuisine for those restaurants which achieved a score which is not more than 10. 

{"grades.score" : 
{ $not: 
{$gt : 10}
"restaurant_id" : 1,
"cuisine" :1

21. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant Id, name, borough and cuisine for those restaurants which prepared dish except 'American' and 'Chinees' or restaurant's name begins with letter 'Wil'. 

{$or: [
  {name: /^Wil/}, 
  {"$and": [
       {"cuisine" : {$ne :"American "}}, 
       {"cuisine" : {$ne :"Chinees"}}
,{"restaurant_id" : 1,"name":1,"borough":1,"cuisine" :1}

22. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant Id, name, and grades for those restaurants which achieved a grade of "A" and scored 11 on an ISODate "2014-08-11T00:00:00Z" among many of survey dates.. 

                 "": ISODate("2014-08-11T00:00:00Z"), 
                 "grades.grade":"A" , 
                 "grades.score" : 11
                {"restaurant_id" : 1,"name":1,"grades":1}

23. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant Id, name and grades for those restaurants where the 2nd element of grades array contains a grade of "A" and score 9 on an ISODate "2014-08-11T00:00:00Z". 

                      { "": ISODate("2014-08-11T00:00:00Z"), 
                        "grades.1.grade":"A" , 
                        "grades.1.score" : 9
                       {"restaurant_id" : 1,"name":1,"grades":1}

24. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant Id, name, address and geographical location for those restaurants where 2nd element of coord array contains a value which is more than 42 and upto 52.. 

                        "address.coord.1": {$gt : 42, $lte : 52}
                        {"restaurant_id" : 1,"name":1,"address":1,"coord":1}

25. Write a MongoDB query to arrange the name of the restaurants in ascending order along with all the columns. 


26. Write a MongoDB query to arrange the name of the restaurants in descending along with all the columns. 


27. Write a MongoDB query to arranged the name of the cuisine in ascending order and for that same cuisine borough should be in descending order. 

                           {"cuisine":1,"borough" : -1,}

28. Write a MongoDB query to know whether all the addresses contains the street or not. 

                     {"address.street" : 
                         { $exists : true } 

29. Write a MongoDB query which will select all documents in the restaurants collection where the coord field value is Double. 

                    {"address.coord" : 
                       {$type : 1}

30. Write a MongoDB query which will select the restaurant Id, name and grades for those restaurants which returns 0 as a remainder after dividing the score by 7

                      {"grades.score" :
                         {$mod : [7,0]}
                         {"restaurant_id" : 1,"name":1,"grades":1}

31. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant name, borough, longitude and attitude and cuisine for those restaurants which contains 'mon' as three letters somewhere in its name.

                   { name : 
                     { $regex : "mon.*", $options: "i" } 
                         "cuisine" :1

32. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant name, borough, longitude and latitude and cuisine for those restaurants which contain 'Mad' as first three letters of its name. 

                   { name : 
                     { $regex : /^Mad/i, } 
                         "cuisine" :1


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