Cloud Foundry Workshop cheatsheets

Workshop cheatsheets

Workshop #1 reference steps (20 mins):

  1. Login from CLI: cf login -a
  2. cd workshop-material/demo-apps/node
  3. cf push node-sample-app --random-route -m 128M
  4. open the app's URL in browser and see if it works
  5. repeat the same steps for python/spring-music in demo-apps folder
  6. Don't forget to delete the apps when you're done to reduce cost

Workshop #2 reference steps (10 mins):

  1. cd workshop-material/demo-apps/articulate
  2. Write a manifest file manifest.yml with the following content, be aware that indention matters with YAML syntax :
    - name: articulate
    memory: 512M
    random-route: true
    path: ./articulate-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  3. cf push --no-start to push your app (it will automatically find manifest.yml in your working directory and use it as configuration)
  4. cf logs articulate to tail the logs of the articulate app
  5. Open another terminal and run cf start articulate to start the app.

Workshop #2 main steps (cont.) (5 mins):

  1. Open your browser and view the application. Observe the log output, then refresh the page and you can see more logs are added.
  2. Stop tailing logs by pressing Control+C
  3. Run cf events articulate to see CF events for audit purposes.
  4. Don't delete the app yet as we need it for next workshop.

Workshop #3 main steps for Vertically Scale (10 mins):

  1. Start tailing the articulate app log again:
    $ cf logs articulate | grep "API\|CELL"
    grep filters log lines from the Cloud Controller and Cell components.
  2. Vertically scale the app (scale up): Open another terminal and run:
    cf scale articulate -m 1G
  3. Observe log output.
  4. Scale articulate back to original settings.
    $ cf scale articulate -m 512M

Workshop #3 main steps for Horizontally Scale (10 mins):

  1. Browse to the Scale and HA page of the articulate application. Review the Application Environment Information.
  2. Press the Refresh button multiple times. All requests are going to one application instance.
  3. Start tailing the logs:
    $ cf logs articulate | grep 'API\|CELL'
  4. Open another terminal and scale the application to 3 instances:
    cf scale articulate -i 3
  5. Observe log output. Then stop tailing the logs.
  6. Return to articulate in a web browser. Press the Refresh button several times. Observe the Addresses and Instance Index changing.

Workshop #3 main steps for HA (5 mins):

  1. At this time you should be running multiple instances of articulate. Confirm this with the following command:
    $ cf app articulate
  2. Return to articulate in browser and navigate to Scale and HA page. Press the Refresh button. Confirm the application is running.
  3. Kill the app. Press the Kill button!
  4. cf app articulate to check app state.
  5. Refresh the page to see if app is back up.
  6. cf events articulate to see which app instance was killed.
  7. cf scale articulate -i 1 to scale app back to original settings.

Workshop #4 main steps for managed service (15 mins):

  1. $ cd workshop-material/demo-apps/attendee-service
    $ cf push attendee-service -p ./attendee-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -m 512M --random-route
  2. $ cf marketplace
    $ cf create-service cleardb spark attendee-mysql
    $ cf bind-service attendee-service attendee-mysql
    $ cf restart attendee-service
  3. View the attendee-service in a browser.

Workshop #4 main steps for user provided service instance (10 mins):

  1. articulate's default configuration for the attendee-service uri is http://localhost:8181/attendees. The subsequent steps will allow you to override the default configuration with your own.
  2. cf create-user-provided-service attendee-service -p uri Note: The CLI will ask you interactively for "uri" parameter, you should answer like ""
  3. Execute the following commands:
    $ cf bind-service articulate attendee-service
    $ cf restart articulate
    $ cf env articulate # To review the environment
  4. Navigate to articulate's "Services" page and try to add some attendees.

Workshop #5 main steps (20 mins):

  1. Browse to the articulate Blue-Green page. And generate some requests by pressing the Start button. Don't close this page yet. Observe our current version (v1) handle all web requests.
  2. Run cf routes and take note of the current host of articulate.
  3. cf push articulate-v2 -p ./articulate-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -m 512M -n articulate-prodtest
  4. cf bind-service articulate-v2 attendee-service
  5. cf restart articulate-v2
  6. Open a new tab and view version 2 of articulate in your browser. Take note of the application name. You can do further testing on this environment.

Workshop #5 main steps (cont.):

  1. When we're ready to release this version, run $ cf map-route articulate-v2 -n articulate-XXX where articulate-XXX is version 1's hostname.
  2. Return to the original browser tab of Blue-Green` page where you're generating requests. You should see that it is starting to send requests to version 2.
  3. Press the Reset button on the page, so we can see how the load get distributed across app instances. Run cf apps to see how many instances of each app version.

Workshop #5 main steps (cont.):

  1. Move more traffic to version 2.
    $ cf scale articulate -i 1
    $ cf scale articulate-v2 -i 2
  2. Move all traffic to version 2 by running $ cf unmap-route articulate -n articulate-version1-route If you Reset the requests generator, you will see all the traffic goes to articulate-v2.
  3. Remove the temp route from the articulate-v2 application: $ cf unmap-route articulate-v2 -n articulate-prodtest
  4. Clean up:
    $ cf delete articulate
    $ cf rename articulate-v2 articulate
    $ cf restart articulate
    $ cf scale articulate -i 1


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