Cloud Foundry Workshop


  1. Sign up free account for Pivotal Web Services:
  2. Install Cloud Foundry CLI:
  3. Push a sample Java app to test the configuration:
    $ cf login -a   # Please select Development space
    $ git clone
    $ cd spring_music/ ; ./gradlew assemble
    $ cf push
    Look for urls: in cf push command output, then open that URL in your browser.
  4. Delete the app to save your money:
    cf delete -r spring-music
  5. All done!

PCF workshop reference material

Workshop #1: From source code to PaaS cloud

Workshop #1 tasks:

  1. Login to CF, and deploy node and spring-music example apps to CF. Example apps can be found in ./workshop-material/demo-apps
  2. Open these apps in browser to see if they work

Workshop #1 questions:

  1. How does CF support multiple languages? Can you extend it to support more languages/custom runtimes? (Reference:
  2. Can you push your java source code directly to CF, and let CF build & compile & run it?
  3. Run cf target from your terminal, and explains what each item(API endpointUserOrgSpace) means.

Workshop #1 cleanup:

When you're done with this workshop you can run the following command for all your apps to save some money (PWS price is calculated on a per hour basis):
$ cf delete -r YOUR_APP_NAME
You can also run cf apps to see all your apps in your targeted space.

Workshop #2: Manifest & Logging

Workshop #2 tasks:

  1. Now you're familiar with cf push to deploy apps, you need to deploy articulate application in the demo-appsdirectory, give it 512MB memory and random-routeNote: You're required to use manifest.yml file instead of CLI to do this.
  2. Observe articulate application's logs and events.
  3. Don't delete the app yet as we need it for next workshop.

Workshop #2 questions:

  1. Where should your application write logs? Hint: see here
  2. What are some of the different origin codes seen in the log? (e.g. APISTGCELLAPPRTR). Please explain what each code means. For reference see here
  3. How does this change how you access logs today? At scale?

Workshop #3: Scaling & High Availablity

Workshop #3 tasks for scaling:

  1. First start tailing the logs and look specifically for logs from Cloud Controller and Cell components:
    $ cf logs articulate | grep "API\|CELL"
  2. Vertically scale articulate memory up to 1G. Observe the log output. Hint: you can use either CLI or manifest.ymlfile to achieve this. Feel free to see reference doc here.
  3. Scale articulate back to origin settings (512MB memory).
  4. Horizontally scale articulate to 3 instances. Notice how quickly the new application instances are provisioned and subsequently load balanced. Don't scale back to 1 instance yet.

Workshop #3 tasks for HA:

  1. Confirm that articulate is running on multiple instances:
    $ cf app articulate
  2. Find a way to cause the app to exit, or to crash the app.
  3. Observe the app state by running cf app articulate again.
  4. View which instance was killed by running cf events articulate
  5. Scale articulate back to original settings (1 instance).

Workshop #3 questions:

  1. What is the difference between vertically scaling and horizontally scaling? What does "scaling out" and "scaling up" mean?
  2. How do you recover failing application instances?
  3. What effect does this have on your application design?
  4. How could you determine if your application has been crashing?
Hint: read about Disposability in 12 factor apps and Crash-only design

Workshop #4: Services

Workshop #4 tasks for Managed Service:

  1. Deploy attendee-service from workshop-material/demo-apps/attendee-service directory. Make sure it runs correctly, and try visiting its URL in browser. Hint:
    1. you can use command: cf push attendee-service -p ./attendee-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -m 512M --random-route to push your app
    2. run cf marketplace to find what you can use for providing your application with a managed database sevice.
    3. Doc on CF Services can be found here
    4. This attendee-service app uses Spring cloud connector to connect to its database. More doc here.

Workshop #4 tasks for User Provided Service Instance:

  1. Browse articulate application's "Services" page. There is no service currently bound. articulate's default configuration for the attendee-service uri is http://localhost:8181/attendees. You should override this uri parameter to your attendee-service in the cloud.
  2. Create attendee-service as a "user provided service" and bind articulate to the attendee-service user provided service. Hint: Reference docs can be found here
  3. Test the setup by going to articulate's Services page and add some attendees.

Workshop #4 questions:

  1. How does attendee-service find its database credentials and connect to the database? Hint:
    1. 12 factor apps have sections on backing services and configuration.
    2. Run cf env attendee-service and read about VCAP_SERVICES
    3. Different languages/frameworks will have various ways to read environment variables. attendee-service takes advantage of a Java Buildpack feature called Auto-Reconfiguration that will automatically re-write bean definitions to connect with services bound to an application.
  2. Why could we restart attendee-service instead of restage it?

Workshop #5: Blue-Green Deployment

Workshop #5 tasks:

  1. Follow the reference doc and do blue-green deployment on articulate app. Hint:
    1. Reference doc here
    2. You need to push 2 apps, one for current version and one for next-release version.
    3. Use cf map-route and cf unmap-route commands to manage the traffic to these apps.
    4. Go to articulate's Blue-Green page, hit start to see how requests go to each app based on route mappings.

Workshop #5 questions:

  1. Why do we want to do Blue-green deployments?
  2. If the new version of application has bug, how do we do a rollback?
  3. When you design an app to be blue-green deployed, are there any design constraints?
  4. Is there any way for blue-green deployment to be automated?

Workshop #6: Application Security Groups

Workshop #6 tasks:

  1. List the security groups in your environment. Hint: Reference doc here
  2. View the rules detail of public_networksdns and p-mysql ASGs.

Workshop #6 questions:

  1. Is ASG rule a whitelist or blacklist?
  2. Run cf help -a and explain all the security-group related commands.
  3. What are the differences between staging-security-groups and running-security-groups?


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