PCF 16 - Continuous Delivery

Continuous Delivery

  • What is Continuous Integration? Continuous Delivery? Continuous Deployment?
Continuous Delivery - build software so that it can be released to production at any time
  • How does Continuous Delivery compare to traditional development methodologies?
Waterfall application delivery - high risk. Low feedback
CD - several smaller deployments reduce risk but increase feedback
  • Can you name some common Continuous Delivery tools?
  • Can you outline the basic workflow behind Continuous Delivery?
  1. Dev push to repo
  2. CD provider poll for changes
  3. CD provider run build and tests
  4. CD provider start feedback loop to actor
  5. CD provider push artifact to binary repo
  6. CD provider pull artifact from binary repo
  7. CD provider push artifact to environment
  8. CD provider run more tests on environment

pluralsight recap

  • What are some of the continuous delivery strategies we talked about?
  • Implement continuous integration
  • Don't create application environment specific packages
  • Blue-Green deployments
  • Does continuous delivery means continuous deployment?
No, it's not. Continuous deployment means every commit is pushed directly into production assuming it passes its test. Continuous delivery means every change can be deployed at production at anytime.
  • What are some of the benefits of continuous delivery?
  • Reducing risk
  • Increasing feedback


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