Resilient / High Availability

05 How do I make my app resilient?

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As a CF hero
I want my app to be resilient
So that random failures won't take it offline

Let's ship it

# From the training home directory:
$ cd 05-resilience/imperfect-app
$ cf push




You've shipped your new app!

The static website is handling the traffic wonderfully
Everyone wants to use your new app, but...

It crashes

Version 1 Sucks, But Ship It Anyway

How to make an app resilient?

Embrace failure & run many instances of the same app
$ cf scale imperfect-app -i 3
$ cf apps

name state instances memory disk urls
imperfect-app started 2/3 64M 256M imperfect..
Note: Because CF is running your app, running many instances of it is just a command away
Notice the different IPs that your app instances are running on...
Even though each DEA runs on a different host, multiple app instances can end up on the same host
The more app instances you have, the less likely that they will be running on the same host
The next generation CF runtime - a.k.a. Diego - does a much better job in regards to evenly distributing the app instances

Many crashed instances, 
app still available

$ cf app imperfect-app

state since cpu memory disk
#0 running 2015-11-02 0.0% 25.3M of 32M 66.9M of 128M
#1 down 2015-11-02 0.0% 0 of 0 0 of 0
#2 down 2015-11-02 0.0% 0 of 0 0 of 0
$ watch cf apps # Watch app instances restart in real-time

What restarts crashed apps?

Health Manager in DEA v2 (a.k.a. HM9K)
Health Check in Diego v3
Note: When an app instance crashes, the Health Manager dubbed HM9K will notice this and restart the app instance

My app needs more memory

$ cf events imperfect-app

index: 1, reason: CRASHED... Exited with status 255 (out of memory)
$ cf scale imperfect-app -m 256M

My app needs more disk space

Do not use the app's disk for persistence
$ cf app imperfect-app

state since cpu memory disk
#0 running 2015-11-02 0.0% 24.4M of 256M 95.2M of 256M
#1 running 2015-11-02 0.0% 112.4M of 256M 224.2M of 256M
#0 running 2015-11-02 0.0% 24.3M of 256M 95.2M of 256M
$ cf logs imperfect-app --recent

Errno::EDQUOT - Disk quota exceeded @ io_write - infinite-file:
$ cf scale imperfect-app -k 1G
Note: Use a service for persistence, do not store any files in the container that runs the app

Scale instances, disk & memory

Combine multiple options in a single command
$ cf help scale

scale - Change or view the instance count, disk space limit...

cf scale APP_NAME [-i INSTANCES] [-k DISK] [-m MEMORY] [-f]

-i Number of instances
-k Disk limit (e.g. 256M, 1024M, 1G)
-m Memory limit (e.g. 256M, 1024M, 1G)
-f Force restart of app without prompt


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