Groovy As Keyword

import java.text.MessageFormat as mf // Alias mf
// Use alias and use as to convert list to Object[]:
assert 'Simple message!' == mf.format('Simple {0}!'['message'as Object[])
// Normal Groovy list:
def intList [1,2,3,4]
assert 'java.util.ArrayList' ==
assert == intList.size()
// Coerse to int[]:
def intArray intList as int[]
assert 'java.util.ArrayList' !=
assert == intArray.length  // Use int[] property.
// Use as to create Date object from list:
def date [10986as Date
assert 2009 == date[Calendar.YEAR]
assert == date[Calendar.MONTH]
assert == date[Calendar.DATE]
// Use as to treat closure as implementation for
// the Runnable interface:
def new Thread(println 'hello' as Runnable)
t.start()  // Output: hello
// Use as to treat map as implementation for
// the Runnable interface:
def t2 new Thread([runprintln 'hello' }as Runnable)
t2.start()  // Output: hello


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