Groovy String Interpolation - GStrings

String interpolation1

BigDecimal account = 10.0
def text = "The account shows currently a balance of $account"
assert text == "The account shows currently a balance of 10.0"

String interpolation2

BigDecimal minus = 4.0
text = "The account shows currently a balance of ${account - minus}"
assert text == "The account shows currently a balance of 6.0"

// Without the brackets to isolate the expression, this would result:
text = "The account shows currently a balance of $account - minus"
assert text == "The account shows currently a balance of 10.0 - minus"

String interpolation3

BigDecimal tax = 0.15
text = "The account shows currently a balance of ${->account - account*tax}"
tax = 0.10

// The tax value was changed AFTER declaration of the GString. The expression
// variables are bound only when the expression must actually be evaluated:
assert text == "The account shows currently a balance of 9.000"


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