Groovy List
package collections
def teams = ["Red Sox","Yankees"]
assert teams.class == java.util.ArrayList
def names = teams as String[]
assert names.class == String[]
def set = teams as Set
assert(set instanceof Set)
def strings = ['hello','world','how','are','you','hello']
assert strings.size() == 6
def stringSet = strings as Set
println stringSet
println strings[-1..-3]
println strings[-3..-1]
println strings[1,3,5]
teams << "Orioles"
assert teams == ["Red Sox","Yankees","Orioles"]
teams << ["Rays","Blue Jays"]
assert teams == ["Red Sox","Yankees","Orioles",["Rays","Blue Jays"]]
assert teams.flatten() == ["Red Sox","Yankees","Orioles","Rays","Blue Jays"]
assert teams + "Angels" - "Orioles" ==
["Red Sox", "Yankees", ["Rays", "Blue Jays"], "Angels"]
assert teams[0] == 'Red Sox'
assert teams[1] == 'Yankees'
assert teams[-1] == ['Rays','Blue Jays']
teams = ["Red Sox","Yankees","Rays"]
def popped = teams.pop()
assert popped == "Rays"
assert ["Yankees","Mets"].reverse() == ["Mets","Yankees"]
def ALCentral = ["Indians","Tigers"]
assert ['Blue Jays','Indians','Mets'].intersect(ALCentral) == ["Indians"]
def cities = ["New York","Boston","Cleveland","Seattle"]
assert ['Boston','Cleveland'] == cities[1..2]
// Reversed
cities = cities.reverse()
assert cities == ["Seattle", "Cleveland", "Boston", "New York"]
// Natural ordering
cities = cities.sort()
assert cities == ["Boston", "Cleveland", "New York", "Seattle"]
cities = cities.sort { it.size() }
cities == ['Boston', 'Seattle', 'New York', 'Cleveland']
// Order by length of city name
cities = cities.sort { a,b -> a.size() <=> b.size() }
assert cities == ["Boston", "Seattle", "New York", "Cleveland"]
assert cities*.substring(0,3) == ["Bos","Sea","New","Cle"]
assert cities.collect { it.substring(0,3) } == ["Bos","Sea","New","Cle"]
// Collect applies closure to each element
def abbrev = cities.collect { city -> city[0..2].toLowerCase() }
assert abbrev == ["bos", "sea", "new", "cle"]
assert cities.collect { it.size() } == [6, 7, 8, 9]
//inject accumulates
int total = cities.inject(0) { nameLength, city ->
nameLength += city.size()
assert 30 == total
assert ['a','b','c'].join('&') == 'a&b&c'
// any and every
assert cities.any { it.size() < 7 }
assert cities.every { it.size() < 10 }
assert 'New Hampshire' ==
['New Hampshire','New Jersey','New York'].find { it =~ /New/ }
//findAll returns cities satisfying closure
def withE = cities.findAll { city -> city =~ /e/ }
assert withE == ["Seattle", "New York", "Cleveland"]
// join concatenates entries
assert cities.join(',') == "Boston,Seattle,New York,Cleveland"
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