Groovy : spread-dot operator (*.)

The spread-dot operator (*.) is used to invoke a method on all members of a Collection object. The result of using the spread-dot operator is another Collection object.

class Language {
    String lang
    def speak("$lang speaks." }
// Create a list with 3 objects. Each object has a lang
// property and a speak() method.
def list [    
    new Language(lang'Groovy'),    
    new Language(lang'Java'),    
    new Language(lang'Scala')

// Use the spread-dot operator to invoke the speak() method.
assert ['Groovy speaks.''Java speaks.''Scala speaks.'== list*.speak()
assert ['Groovy speaks.''Java speaks.''Scala speaks.'== list.collectit.speak(
// We can also use the spread-dot operator to access
// properties, but we don't need to, because Groovy allows
// direct property access on list members.
assert ['Groovy''Java''Scala'== list*.lang
assert ['Groovy''Java''Scala'== list.lang


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