Groovy - @Delegate - Import all methods
if we use the delegate annotation for the Date class we get all the methods of the Date class in our class.
class SimpleEvent {
@Delegate Date when
@Delegate List<String> attendees = []
int maxAttendees = 0
String description
def event = new SimpleEvent(when: new Date() + 7, description: 'Small Groovy seminar', maxAttendees: 2)
assert 0 == event.size() // Delegate to List.size()
assert event.after(new Date()) // Delegate to Date.after()
assert 'Small Groovy seminar' == event.description
assert 2 == event.maxAttendees
event << 'mrhaki' << 'student1' // Delegate to List.leftShift()
assert 2 == event.size()
assert 'mrhaki' == event[0]
event -= 'student1' // Delegate to List.minus()
assert 1 == event.size()
We have used the @Delegate annotations and as by magic the SimpleEvent has all methods of both the Date class and List interface.
SimpleEvent class has all methods from the List interface we can override the methods as well.
In our sample we override the add()
class SimpleEvent {
@Delegate Date when
@Delegate List<String> attendees = []
int maxAttendees = 0
String description
boolean add(Object value) {
if (attendees.size() < maxAttendees) {
return attendees.add(value)
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Maximum of ${maxAttendees} attendees exceeded.")
def event = new SimpleEvent(when: new Date() + 7, description: 'Small Groovy seminar', maxAttendees: 2)
event << 'mrhaki' << 'student1'
try {
event << 'three is a crowd.'
assert false
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assert 'Maximum of 2 attendees exceeded.' == e.message
@Delegate Date when
@Delegate List<String> attendees = []
int maxAttendees = 0
String description
boolean add(Object value) {
if (attendees.size() < maxAttendees) {
return attendees.add(value)
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Maximum of ${maxAttendees} attendees exceeded.")
def event = new SimpleEvent(when: new Date() + 7, description: 'Small Groovy seminar', maxAttendees: 2)
event << 'mrhaki' << 'student1'
try {
event << 'three is a crowd.'
assert false
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assert 'Maximum of 2 attendees exceeded.' == e.message
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