Groovy Map
// Start with an empty map
def ALEast = [:]
assert ALEast instanceof HashMap
// Java put and get methods
ALEast.put('Boston','Red Sox')
assert 'Red Sox' == ALEast.get('Boston')
assert ALEast == [Boston:'Red Sox']
// Overridden putAt method
ALEast['New York'] = 'Yankees'
// Size method and dot access
assert 2 == ALEast.size()
assert 'Red Sox' == ALEast.Boston
assert 'Yankees' == ALEast.'New York'
assert ALEast == [Boston:'Red Sox','New York':'Yankees']
assert ALEast['Boston'] == 'Red Sox'
// Initialized map
Map<String,String> ALCentral = [Cleveland:'Indians',
Chicago:'White Sox',Detroit:'Tigers']
assert 3 == ALCentral.size()
assert ALCentral.Cleveland == 'Indians'
// Overridden plus method
def both = ALEast + ALCentral
assert 5 == both.size()
assert both == [Boston:'Red Sox','New York':'Yankees',
Cleveland:'Indians', Chicago:'White Sox',Detroit:'Tigers']
// keySet method
assert ALEast.keySet() == ['Boston','New York'] as Set
// Get method with a default
assert !ALEast.get('Toronto')
assert 'Blue Jays' == ALEast.get('Toronto','Blue Jays')
assert 'Blue Jays' == ALEast['Toronto']
def map = [x:1, y:2, z:3]
// each iterator
String keys1 = ''
List<Integer> values1 = []
both.each { key,val ->
keys1 += '|' + key
values1 << val
String keys2 = ''
List<Integer> values2 = []
both.each { entry ->
keys2 += '|' + entry.key
values2 << entry.value
assert keys1 == keys2
assert values1 == values2
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